
Targeting Vascular Reactivity in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
A Clinical Treatment Trial Targeting Vascular Reactivity in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
  • Phase

    Phase 2/Phase 3
  • Study Type

  • Intervention/Treatment

    losartan sildenafil ...
  • Study Participants

The purpose of this study is to determine whether combination therapy with sildenafil and losartan can improve function and exercise tolerance in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
It is currently suspected that the fibrosis in IPF is based upon an abnormal reparative process in the lung. Normally, an insult to the endothelium or epithelium of the lung would trigger an inflammatory process to help repair the site of injury; epithelial and endothelial cells then replicate and repair the tissue damage. In pulmonary fibrosis, alterations in this cascade change the balance of the inflammatory products and reduce the regulatory response which can produce continued inflammation. Fibrosis results from continued deposition of collagen by proliferating fibroblasts and lack of collagen breakdown.

In addition to fibrosis and microvascular destruction, pulmonary hypertension in IPF patients is a significant contributor to morbidity and mortality. The prevalence ranges from 32-85%, suggesting that pulmonary vascular disease is one of several processes that contribute to severity of disease.

We propose use of two therapeutic agents that affect the balance of vasoconstriction and vasodilation to improve basal tone of the vasculature. First, we propose the use of a phosphodiesterase inhibitor. Sildenafil (Viagra, Revatio) is an orally administered vasodilator that prolongs the effect of nitric oxide by inhibiting phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE-5) which is responsible for degradation of cGMP. Increased cGMP concentration results in pulmonary vasculature relaxation and consequent vasodilation. Second, the use of an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) acts to diminish the direct vasoconstrictor effect of angiotensin and endothelin-1 in the vessels. In treatment of systemic hypertension, ARBs have been shown to be associated with a decrease in the amount of circulating endothelin-1 and increase in basal nitric oxide release. They have also been shown to rapidly inhibit the generation of reactive oxygen species by inflammatory cells. We test these interventions in a randomized cross-over trial in IPF patients.
Study Started
Sep 30
Primary Completion
Dec 31
Study Completion
Dec 31
Results Posted
Nov 13
Last Update
Nov 13

Drug Sildenafil

Sildenafil 20mg three times per day for 3 months followed by a one month washout prior to next intervention.

  • Other names: Viagra, Revatio

Drug Losartan

Losartan 25mg two times a day for 3 months followed by a one month washout prior to next intervention.

  • Other names: Cozaar: losartan

Drug Sildenafil and Losartan

Sildenafil 20mg three times per day and Losartan 25mg two times per day followed by a one month washout prior to next intervention.

  • Other names: Viagra, Revatio: sildenafil, Cozaar: losartan

Drug Placebo Oral Tablet

Placebo pill three times per day for 3 months followed by a one month washout prior to next intervention.

  • Other names: Placebo pill (sugar)

All study participants Experimental

Study participants are patients that have been diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF).


Inclusion Criteria:

Age 18-99
Have not taken any of the study medications in the past 6 weeks
Diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

Exclusion Criteria:

FVC<50%, DLco <30% or FEV1/FVC ratio <65%
Greater amount of emphysema than fibrotic change on chest CT scan
Acute myocardial infarction within the past 6 months
Nitrate use
Contraindications, hypersensitivity, or allergic reaction to any study medication
Presence of aortic stenosis
Life-threatening arrhythmia within 1 month of evaluation
Diabetes requiring insulin therapy
Second-degree or third-degree atrioventricular block on electrocardiogram
Echocardiographic evidence of severe pulmonary hypertension (>50mmHg) • Severe terminal illness (survival predicted to be less than 1 year)
Severe congestive heart failure
Renal impairment (creatinine >2.0 mg/dl)
Moderate to severe hepatic impairment
Concurrent treatment with immunosuppressive, cytotoxic, or investigational agents.
Pregnant or Breastfeeding (Women of childbearing age must use effective form of birth control or abstinence during study participation)
History of acute exacerbation of IPF
Current enrollment in another investigational protocol
Acute or chronic impairment other than dyspnea that limits the patient's ability to perform the six minute walk test
Current drug or alcohol dependence
Initiation of pulmonary rehabilitation within 30 days of enrollment. Subjects currently undergoing maintenance pulmonary rehabilitation at study entry will be asked to maintain their levels of rehabilitation for the duration of the trial
Treatment of pulmonary hypertension with prostaglandins, endothelin-1 antagonists, or any other phosphodiesterase inhibitor within 30 days of enrollment
Addition or discontinuation of calcium channel blockers, digitalis, diuretics or vasodilators within 30 days of enrollment. Dosage must be stable for 7 days prior to enrollment (except for diuretics)
Listed for lung transplantation
Due to drug interactions, all of the following agents will be prohibited: alpha-blockers, endothelin-1 antagonists, and CYP3A4 inhibitors
Resting oxygen saturation of <92% with greater than 6 liters of supplemental oxygen




Sildenafil and Losartan


All Events

Event Type Organ System Event Term Sildenafil Losartan Sildenafil and Losartan Placebo

Change in Six Minute Walk Distance in Meters

Change in 6MWD before and after treatment compared to placebo


meters (Mean)
Standard Deviation: 23.1


meters (Mean)
Standard Deviation: 24.0

Sildenafil and Losartan

meters (Mean)
Standard Deviation: 12.0


meters (Mean)
Standard Deviation: 23.8

Change in Forced Vital Capacity (FVC)

Change in FVC before and after treatment compared to placebo. FVC is a measure of lung size.


liters (Mean)
Standard Deviation: .13


liters (Mean)
Standard Deviation: 0.13

Sildenafil and Losartan

liters (Mean)
Standard Deviation: 0.14


liters (Mean)
Standard Deviation: 0.14

Change in Shortness of Breath (SOB) Score

Change in symptoms of SOB as determined by St. Georges Respiratory Questionnaire score. This score ranges from 0 to 100 with a higher score indicating more problems breathing.


score on a scale (Mean)
Standard Deviation: 10.3


score on a scale (Mean)
Standard Deviation: 5.7

Sildenafil and Losartan

score on a scale (Mean)
Standard Deviation: 11.6


score on a scale (Mean)
Standard Deviation: 9.8

Age, Continuous

years (Mean)
Full Range: 45.0 to 76.0

Race (NIH/OMB)

Region of Enrollment

Sex: Female, Male


All Study Participants

Placebo Oral Tablet

All Study Participants


All Study Participants

Sildenafil and Losartan

All Study Participants

Drop/Withdrawal Reasons

All Study Participants