
Supplemental Egg Protein Intervention In Older Adults
Egg Protein Supplementation for Maintaining Muscle Mass and Function in Older Adults
  • Phase

  • Study Type

  • Status

    Completed No Results Posted
  • Study Participants

Older adults are at risk for developing sarcopenia, or age-related muscle loss, which increased the risk of disabilities, falls, and loss of independence. Many older adults do not consume enough protein each day to maintain their muscle mass and this study aims to investigate if consumption daily egg white protein supplement can help maintain muscle mass and functionality in community-dwelling older adults. Food insecure older adults that attend congregate nutrition sites will be targeted.
The study aims to evaluate the impact of egg white protein supplementation on muscle mass, strength, and physical function in older adults with low muscle mass or function. Older adults will be recruited from San Antonio, Texas, the least food secure metropolitan area for older adults. The project will be conducted entirely at community locations such as congregate meal sites, senior activity centers, and housing communities. Researchers will conduct recruitment, distribution of supplements and pre and post assessments entirely at these sites, which will alleviate the travel of participants to research sites and provide a unique opportunity to assess this underserved population. One hundred older adults (≥60yrs old) will be randomly assigned to consume a daily supplement of egg white protein or isoenergetic carbohydrate for 6 months. Changes in skeletal muscle mass, muscle strength, and physical function will be assessed.
Study Started
May 31
Primary Completion
Aug 31
Study Completion
Aug 31
Last Update
Nov 04

Dietary Supplement powdered egg white protein supplement

consumption of egg white protein supplement daily for 6 months

Dietary Supplement maltodextrin supplement

consumption of maltodextrin supplement daily for 6 months

Egg while protein supplement Experimental

25 g of powdered egg white protein supplement daily for 6 months. Total of 20.6 g of protein in 25 g of supplement.

Maltodextrin supplement Placebo Comparator

25 g of powdered maltodextrin supplement daily for 6 months. Total 23.5 g of carbohydrate in 25 g of supplement.


Inclusion Criteria:

60 years or older, gait speed >0.8m/s OR hand grip below 20kg for women or below 30kg for men

Exclusion Criteria:

Over 300 pounds, kidney disease, has taken a protein supplement within the past 30 days, dementia/Alzheimer's, uncontrolled diabetes, wheelchair bound, vegan, allergic to eggs, blind/legally blind, history of stroke/transient ischemic attack with a Barthel score of 15 or lower, cannot read or write English or Spanish and don't have someone to help them with forms/paperwork, not willing to take a supplement for 6 months or will not remain in the local area for the study period.
No Results Posted