
Herbal Supplements for Improvement of Liver Function in Participants With Alcoholic Liver Disease
Antioxidant for Improvement of Hepatic Function in Patients With Alcohol Liver Disease Without Cirrhosis: Non-randomized Interventional Cohort Study
  • Phase

  • Study Type

  • Status

    Not yet recruiting
  • Intervention/Treatment

    livitol-70 ...
  • Study Participants

Alcoholic liver disease represents the major health issues and it ranges from simple steatosis to cirrhosis. There is a paucity of data to support the allopathic intervention among these group of patients. Livitol-17 consist of the 3 whole herbs and extract which has antioxidant, hepatoprotective as well as reno-protective properties. The aim of this trial is to study the efficacy of herbal supplement to improve the liver function of alcoholic liver disease subject.
Study Started
May 30
Primary Completion
Oct 30
Study Completion
Nov 30
Last Update
Apr 20

Drug Livitol-70

Livitol-17 detoxifies, purifies and rejuvenates liver, kidney and spleen. Participants will be given the intervention in two bottles at each visit. Participant will be instructed to take two capsule twice daily at a fixed time in the day.

Intervention Group Experimental

All the eligible participants will receive Livitol-17 capsules. It consist of 390 mg of whole herbs and extract of Phyllanthus niruri (Bhumyamalaki), Boerhaavia diffusa (Punarnava) and Picroorrhiza kurroa (Katuki).


Inclusion Criteria:

Adults aged over 18 years with the evidence of alcoholic liver disease (ALD) based on a thorough history, physical examination, and laboratory tests and all of the following:

Chronic alcohol intake, Identified with AUDIT(Alcohol Use Disorder Inventory Test) Questionnaire
Active alcohol use until 4 weeks prior to presentation
ALT and AST elevated >1.5 times the upper limit of normal
Over 1.5 ratio of AST to ALT
Maddrey Discriminant function(DF) less than 30

Exclusion Criteria:

Severe alcoholic hepatitis with cirrhosis or life expectancy less than 3 months
Severe renal impairment (Glomerular filtration rate below 60 ml/min per 1.73m2)
Hepatic disorders due to cardiac causes, inherited metabolic causes, hemochromatosis and Wilson's disease
Participants with active viral hepatitis
Under going active treatment for alcohol withdrawal syndrome(AWS) at the study entry
Participants on hepatotoxic medications like antitubercular medication, antiviral medication, paracetamol etc.
Pregnant, attempting to conceive, or lactating women
Participating in another clinical trial with an active intervention or drug or device with last dose taken within 60 days.
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