
ACP for Local Application in Ankle Arthrodesis
Autologous Concentrated Platelet-rich Plasma (Arthrex ACP®) for Local Application in Ankle Arthrodesis: A Prospective Outcome Analysis.
  • Phase

  • Study Type

  • Study Participants

To compare the outcomes of patients who undergo three different types of surgeries for ankle fusion and reconstruction.
It is understood that an elevated concentration of platelets in the mix of the arthrodesis construct applied intra-operatively to the bony surface, has osteo-generating and enhanced wound healing properties. With that knowledge there is a clinical need and enthusiasm for the application of concentrated platelets, which release a large quantity of growth factors to encourage recovery in non healing injuries or surgical sites. This study represents an effort to more clearly define the true clinical outcomes with or without biologic enhancement, and fulfills a need for fortifying evidence concerning the efficacy of ACP in live human bone healing-- based on radiographic and CT scans.
Study Started
Oct 31
Primary Completion
Jul 31
Study Completion
Jul 31
Results Posted
Nov 13
Last Update
Nov 13

Biological Autologous Concentrated Plasma

Autologous blood products have created a growing interest for use in a number of orthopedic therapies. The healing effects of plasma are supported by growth factors released by platelets. These growth factors induce a healing process wherever they are applied. The Arthrex ACP System is a cost-effective method of concentrating growth factors for therapeutic use.

  • Other names: ACP

Fusion+ACP+Autograft Active Comparator

Standard anatomic reduction will be adhered to- neutral alignment will be employed (5° valgus, external rotation and neutral foot dorsiflexion). The arthrodesis undertaken for all groups will be the standard arthroscopic ankle arthrodesis with portals to the ankle (anterior medial / anterior lateral), skin incision only technique with dissection through the capsule and penetration to the joint. Standard debridement of the gutters, tibia osteophyte, tibia-talor joint resection and autograft preparation will be performed in the joint. Depending on randomization of the subject, (Autologous concentrated Plasma)ACP-A or ACP-DBM mixture will be added to the arthrodesis site with the joint taken through range of direct motion and reduced.

Fusion + ACP +DBM Active Comparator

Standard anatomic reduction will be adhered to- neutral alignment will be employed (5° valgus and external rotation and neutral foot dorsiflexion). Depending on the randomization of the subject, (Autologous Concentrated Plasma)ACP-A or ACP-DBM mixture will be added to the arthrodesis site with the joint taken through range of direct motion and then reduced.

Standard-Fusion +Autograft only No Intervention

Standard anatomic reduction will be adhered to- neutral alignment will be employed (5° valgus and external rotation and neutral foot dorsiflexion). The arthrodesis undertaken for all groups will be the standard arthroscopic ankle arthrodesis with portals to the ankle (anterior medial / anterior lateral), skin incision only technique with blunt dissection through the capsule and penetration to the joint. Depending on the randomization of the subject, ACP-A or ACP-DBM mixture will be added to the arthrodesis site with the joint taken through range of direct motion and then reduced.


Inclusion Criteria:

patients whom present the need for the elective surgery

Exclusion Criteria:




Fusion + ACP +DBM

Standard-Fusion +Autograft Only

All Events

Event Type Organ System Event Term

CT Scan for Fusion Analysis

There will be no outcome analysis for the CT scan performed on the 10 patients due to the death of the primary investigator.


Fusion + ACP +DBM

Standard-Fusion +Autograft Only



Age, Categorical


Overall Study


Fusion + ACP +DBM

Drop/Withdrawal Reasons


Fusion + ACP +DBM