
Febrile Urinary Tract Infection Randomized Short Treatment Trial
Relevance of Biomarkers and Clinical Predictors of Outcome in Unselected Population With Febrile Urinary Tract Infection at Primary Care and Emergency Department in a Prospective, Randomized Cohort Trial Comparing Short (7 Days) Antibiotic Treatment With Conventional Treatment (14 Days)
  • Phase

    Phase 4
  • Study Type

  • Status

    Completed No Results Posted
  • Intervention/Treatment

    ciprofloxacin ...
  • Study Participants

The purpose of this study is to determine whether a 7-day duration of antibiotic treatment of febrile urinary tract infection (FUTI) is non inferior to 14-day standard duration of treatment in unselected population presenting at primary care or emergency department.
In the last decades hospitalization rates of patients with acute pyelonephritis (AP) or FUTI has decreased from almost 100% to 10-30%. The outpatient management of patients with FUTI has become popular as well as oral antimicrobial treatment regiments and shortening of treatment duration. However, as such approaches are only discovered in otherwise young health non-pregnant women, the best management of FUTI in the elderly, men and patients with co-morbidity remains elusive. Bases on personal perception of the attending physician antibiotic treatment, duration varies approximately between 7-14 days. Facing the aging of the general population, it is urgent to better define the optimal treatment for AP or FUTI in an unselected population and to identify those at risk for treatment failure or poor outcome to guide and optimize individual patient management and to prevent on the one hand unnecessary long treatment duration and hospital admission and on the other hand unsafe short duration or unsafe outpatient management.

In this study the efficacy and safety of a 7-day antimicrobial regimen compared to a 14-day antimicrobial regimen will be evaluated in an unselected population presenting with FUTI at primary care or emergency department. In addition a clinical and/or biomarker based scoring system of disease severity will be derived to predict those at risk for treatment failure or poor outcome.
Study Started
Dec 31
Primary Completion
May 31
Study Completion
Sep 30
Last Update
Sep 16

Drug short treatment (ciprofloxacin)

7 days of antibiotic treatment for febrile urinary tract infection / acute pyelonephritis compared to standard treatment of 14 days

Short treatment Experimental

7 days of standard antibiotic treatment (preferably ciprofloxacin) followed by 7 days of placebo

Standard treatment Active Comparator

14 days of standard antibiotic treatment (initial b-lactam or fluoroquinolone followed by ciprofloxacin through the 8th till 14th day)


Inclusion Criteria:

Competent patient aged 18 years or above
One or more symptom(s) suggestive of urinary tract infection (dysuria, frequency or urgency*; perineal or suprapubic pain; costo-vertebral tenderness or flank pain)
Fever (ear or rectal temp of 38.2 oC or higher, or axillary temp of 38 oC or higher), or history of feeling feverish with shivering or rigors in the past 24 hours
Positive urine nitrate test and/or leucocyturia as depicted by positive leukocyte esterase test or microscopy

Exclusion Criteria:

Known allergy to fluoroquinolones
Female patients who are pregnant or lactating
Patients with known polycystic kidney disease
Patients on permanent renal replacement therapy (hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis)
Patients with history of kidney transplantation
Residence outside country of enrolment
Inability to speak or read Dutch
Isolated causal uropathogen resistant to ciprofloxacin
Renal abscess
Chronic bacterial prostatitis
Suspicion or evidence of any metastatic infectious foci
No Results Posted