Active Ingredient History

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Noscapine (also known as Narcotine, Nectodon, Nospen, Anarcotine and (archaic) Opiane) is a benzylisoquinoline alkaloid from plants of the poppy family, without painkilling properties. This agent is primarily used for its antitussive (cough-suppressing) effects. Noscapine is often used as an antitussive medication. A 2012 Dutch guideline, however, does not recommend its use for coughing. Noscapine can increase the effects of centrally sedating substances such as alcohol and hypnotics. Noscapine should not be taken in conjunction with warfarin as the anticoagulant effects of warfarin may be increased. Noscapine, and its synthetic derivatives called noscapinoids, are known to interact with microtubules and inhibit cancer cell proliferation. Mechanisms for its antitussive action are unknown, although animal studies have suggested central nervous system as a site of action. Furthermore, noscapine causes apoptosis in many cell types and has potent antitumor activity against solid murine lymphoid tumors (even when the drug was administered orally) and against human breast and bladder tumors implanted in nude mice. Because noscapine is water-soluble and absorbed after oral administration, its chemotherapeutic potential in human cancer merits thorough evaluation. Antifibrotic effect of noscapine based on novel mechanism, which it shows through EP2 prostaglandin E2 receptor-mediated activation of protein kinase A.   NCATS

  • SMILES: COc1ccc2c(c1OC)C(=O)O[C@@H]2[C@H]1c2c(cc3c(c2OC)OCO3)CCN1C
  • Mol. Mass: 413.43
  • ALogP: 2.88
  • ChEMBL Molecules:
More Chemistry
methoxyhydrastine | narcompren | narcosine | narcotine | noscapalin | noscapin | noscapine | noscapine hcl | noscapine hydrochloride | terbenol | tusscapine | vadebex


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