Active Ingredient History

  • Now

  • SMILES: CCN(CC)CCN1C(=O)c2c(c3c4cccc(Cl)c4n([C@@H]4O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](OC)[C@H](O)[C@H]4O)c3c3[nH]c4c(Cl)cccc4c23)C1=O
  • Mol. Mass: 669.56
  • ALogP: 4.3
  • ChEMBL Molecule:
More Chemistry
becatecarin | becatecarin hydrochloride | becatecarin tartrate | bm-27557-14 | bms 181176 | bms-181176 | bms 181176-1 | bms-181176-1 | bms 181176-14 | bms-181176-14 | bmy 27557 | bmy-27557 | bmy 27557-1 | bmy-27557-1 | bmy 27557-14 | deae-rbm | diethylaminoethyl-rebeccamycin | nsc 655649 | nsc-655649 | nsc d640199 | nsc-d640199 | rebeccamycin, diethylaminoethyl- | xl 119 | xl-119 | xl119 compound


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