coagulation factor xiii a-subunit (recombinant) (Tretten) Report issue

Active Ingredient History

  • Now
Catridecacog, sold under the brand name Tretten in the US and NovoThirteen in the EU) is a class of recombinant factor XIII A-subunit based biopharmaceutical medicine, indicated in patients with a rare clotting disorder, congenital factor XIII A-subunit deficiency, which is a kind of Factor XIII deficiency. The medication prevents bleeding in patients with this condition, and has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for this use in the US in 2014. It was brought to market by Novo Nordisk.   Wikipedia

More Chemistry
blood coagulation factor xiii (synthetic human a-chain precursor) | catridecacog | catridecacog (genetical recombination) | coagulation factor xiii | coagulation factor xiii a subunit (recombinant) | coagulation factor xiii a-subunit (recombinant) | factor xiii | factor xiii a-subunit (recombinant) | human factor xiii (a2) homodimer (allele f13a*1b), recombinant dna origin | novothirteen | recombinant coagulation factor xiii | tretten


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