Active Ingredient History

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Inamrinone (Amrinone) is a positive inotropic cardiotonic with vasodilator properties, phosphodiesterase inhibitory activity, and the ability to stimulate calcium ion influx into the cardiac cell. Inamrinone is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor (PDE3), resulting in increased cAMP and cGMP which leads to an increase in the calcium influx like that caused by beta-agonists resulting in increased inotropic effect. Inamrinone is used in the treatment of congestive heart failure.   NCATS

  • SMILES: Nc1cc(-c2ccncc2)c[nH]c1=O
  • Mol. Mass: 187.2
  • ALogP: 1.02
  • ChEMBL Molecules:
More Chemistry
amcoral | amrinona | amrinone | amrinone lactate | amrinonum | cartonic | cordemcura | inamrinone | inamrinone lactate | inocor | vesistol | win-40680 | wincoram


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